Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Review of Bazic products I ordered online.

Ok so after taking a look around the blogs I  saw that there were a number of people who were using mini highlighters in conjunction with the Cosmos Travel Wallet... So naturally I jumped on the band wagon... I ordered these from Amazon for not too much $ and well they came in were suuper cute but were dry... so i had to toss them all... was not happy about that.

Then I also ordered these retractible style eraser pens from the same brand on Amazon  because they were cute and cheaper than most I had seen around... well they don't work all that great at least not on the Cotton Cream paper from Filofax and/or with my Staedler drafting pencil that I use.. (my fav... especially since it was my fathers). So I ended up giving the blue one to the Mr for school thinking it may work better with No.2 pencils... I kept the pink for later testing when i go back to school in the Spring. But for my  Filofax i would say they were a Bust. 

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