Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March Madness.... No not That one!

    Ok so one way to kick start the dreaded list of projects is a good old fashioned purge… To release the inner closet monsters that are hiding in the ever amassing amount of stuff I have shoved in there… It’s sad … so sad that one person has accumulated this amount of crap stuff (not to mention the waste of precious cash that went with it!)…

    That being said I give you this beauty… Here is a picture of the second purge I did in March (the first I of course didn’t take pictures of or count but it was mainly clothing).

This is what it looked like when I psuedo organized it.
The tally for what I got rid of this go around is:

20 pairs of shoes (ya….I know …I know, I have a problem)
6 cosmetics bags (one thing I can never seem to find the right one of and end up with a small army of)
9 Outerwear items (Coats, Blazers, Sweaters)
5 hats (my nephews were in heaven)
8 Bottoms (skirts, pants, shorts etc…)
6 Purses
5 Wallets
6 Swim (bathing suits if you’re wondering)
6 Sets of sheets (Yup there were the was enough material here to make the mother of all forts shoved into my microscopic linen closet)
1 Duvet & Sham Set
2 Pillow cases (set)
1 Throw blanket that had just seen better days…
1 Curling Wand
Not to mention a lot of hair products and a ridiculous amount of toiletries.

   I now have room to breathe and actually find and use the things I am left with… It was such a weight off my shoulders to get rid of this stuff you have no idea.. the overwhelming sensation every time I looked in my closet or my bathroom cabinets was suddenly gone…. And with it the accompanying stress and anxiety that came with. I don’t freak out now every time I have to get dressed (yes this is a common activity I know) for work or to go out. I just take a look around and grab what I know I still wear (and is clean, that’s always a plus). I am also not reminded of that odd phase when I bought a certain item of clothing or the waste of money I spent on an expensive product I did not like but didn’t have the heart to toss. And my favorite… staring at countless pairs of shoes that left me wondering what on EARTH possessed me to buy those, did I seriously think I could walk around in those… I am balance challenged as it is I did not need a ridiculous pair of heels in a wide array of colors to remind me… So after a manic clothes tossing spree one weekend (which had my husband questioning if my sanity was still in check) a generous amount of coffee and some elbow grease; I was able to simplify my life with the help of some creative organizing and shedding of some serious poundage in material things.. 

    If you’re wondering where all of this stuff actually ended up. It made the rounds with my family and my sister in laws and what was left over in the sad redheaded stepchild pile I donated to my local Goodwill in hopes that it will find a home somewhere with someone that will find the use in it that I couldn’t. Glad to say that this should not be happening again any time soon!!!

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