Tuesday, April 1, 2014

And she's back

    Well I’m not going to lie… I set up this blog with all the best intentions to post regularly and have it really be something…. Then life happened. Things came up, got in the way, I forgot to take pictures of things I was doing and working on, stopped projects midway and all out fell apart as a blogger. Not to mention the HUGE rut I’ve been in…. I just can’t seem to get motivated to tackle projects or even start them for that matter, and as the days go on the list keeps getting longer and longer… I find that when you have a long list of projects you want to do and accomplish, it gets that much more daunting to get a move on. However, once I get started there is no stopping me until I am finished. And usually by the time I’m finished I’m ready to start over…. (Much to my husband’s dismay and serious eye rolling)…. 

    I think a large part of the problem besides the ever growing list of “To-Do’s” is that there are admittedly some trouble spots in my house. We have an older home and well I’m not going to lie we bought a money pit… which was totally my fault!!! See I can admit it…. Sorta. I knew our first home was going to need work (A LOT of work) but I never foresaw the problems we would encounter along the way. Most of which were unbeknownst to us/me because we had to live in the space and grow in it to realize the problems. And honestly I’m not afraid to admit that me being my neurotic OCD self will try to redo things over and over to try and make it work and make me content about something when really I’m not. To be honest the only way to appease my irritated inner neat freak is to either move…(which is just not possible at the moment) or gut the thing and start over… which is not an option either as we have already spent our remodeling budget for this lifetime and the next….Don’t get me wrong…. The house is leaps and bounds from where we started…. (I’ll get to that soon) but there are just some things that a new coat of paint or a whole pile of organizing supplies just can’t fix. 

    Referring back to my inner neat freak the things that bother me would not probably bother most people… (like my husband).. Granted there are some things that bother us both but there is nothing we can really do about it.. And trust me we/I’ve tried!! So my plans for this blog are many from taking you guys along with me on my many harebrained schemes to make it work to my new obsessions (which come and go OFTEN!) to anything I think might be worth sharing. Mostly I want to share my trials and tribulations on how I have tackled the enormous amount of stuff that we have, the never ending list of things I want to do with it and the Organization tips and tricks I have learned along the way.

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